In the interests of transparency and wanting to show off a little,well I'm being honest!, here are some stats .
I'm really pleased the blog is gaining in readers and is averaging about 300-350 unique visitors a day. I now there are issues with how its counted, but the direction is up!
Thanks to my co-bloggers and guest posters for all their work. Oh and looks like the cats and Obama gave me a blog bounce over 600 on Wednesday...reward for a very late night. I think the highest ever was about 700 and that , sadly, may have been due to searches of the words Broder/CPGB/Iran/AWL. Pah, the left is fucked.
Anyway I really really will do some tidying up and revamping in the weeks to come. Anyone wanting to guest post, let me know. Ideas and comments always welcome . And Punchie, yeah lifestyle...blah blah blah.I'll ignore that.
Seriously though I do want to build a group blog of socialist feminist bloggers , its not all ego. So i'm chuffed, even if its still way below the big boys .

Month Page Unique First time Returning
Loads Visitors Visitors Visitors
Nov 2008 4,980 3,841 2,813 1,028
Oct 2008 12,542 9,322 6,390 2,932
Sep 2008 12,911 9,223 6,324 2,899
Aug 2008 14,235 9,867 6,804 3,063
Jul 2008 10,652 7,586 4,747 2,839
Jun 2008 10,153 7,595 5,144 2,451
May 2008 12,094 8,661 5,595 3,066
Apr 2008 13,082 8,956 5,964 2,992
Mar 2008 11,226 7,772 5,161 2,535
Jan 2008 12,020 7,332 4,504 2,828
I'm really pleased the blog is gaining in readers and is averaging about 300-350 unique visitors a day. I now there are issues with how its counted, but the direction is up!
Thanks to my co-bloggers and guest posters for all their work. Oh and looks like the cats and Obama gave me a blog bounce over 600 on Wednesday...reward for a very late night. I think the highest ever was about 700 and that , sadly, may have been due to searches of the words Broder/CPGB/Iran/AWL. Pah, the left is fucked.
Anyway I really really will do some tidying up and revamping in the weeks to come. Anyone wanting to guest post, let me know. Ideas and comments always welcome . And Punchie, yeah lifestyle...blah blah blah.I'll ignore that.
Seriously though I do want to build a group blog of socialist feminist bloggers , its not all ego. So i'm chuffed, even if its still way below the big boys .

Month Page Unique First time Returning
Loads Visitors Visitors Visitors
Nov 2008 4,980 3,841 2,813 1,028
Oct 2008 12,542 9,322 6,390 2,932
Sep 2008 12,911 9,223 6,324 2,899
Aug 2008 14,235 9,867 6,804 3,063
Jul 2008 10,652 7,586 4,747 2,839
Jun 2008 10,153 7,595 5,144 2,451
May 2008 12,094 8,661 5,595 3,066
Apr 2008 13,082 8,956 5,964 2,992
Mar 2008 11,226 7,772 5,161 2,535
Jan 2008 12,020 7,332 4,504 2,828
Labels: blogging