Save Vestas
This is the update circulated on the Workers' Liberty email list.
After the Government's new announcements on renewable energy, the campaign to save the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle of Wight looks more winnable than ever.
We need to organise enough pressure - but in the next two weeks! - that the Government cannot get away with talking about vast expansion of renewable energy and simultaneously letting the only wind turbine factory in Britain be shut for lack of an investment in re-fitting which is tiny on the scale of Government finances.
Vestas workers are demanding that the Government take over the factory and reopen it under new management.
On Friday 17 July we demonstrated and leafleted when Prince Charles visited the Isle of Wight.
Workers are meeting to discuss campaign tactics. Moves are afoot to organise a demonstration in Newport IoW, probably around the weekend of 25-26 July, and to launch a "families and community" campaign against the closure.
What you can do:
* Come to the Isle of Wight if you can.
* Organise and send messages of support - from yourself personally, from your union branch or committee, or from other organisations you're involved in. Send to
* Spread the word.
* Check out
Labels: defending jobs, environment