
Sunday, August 19, 2007

"Gorno" or Torture Porn - What do you think about it?

I am feart of blood so there is no danger I would ever watch Kill Bill or Saw II or really anything with zombies, torture or anything like it. I did manage to watch Shaun of the Dead but was sick watching Pan's Labyrynth.

However I am aware that there is more and more torture films on the go just now and films depicting real horrible violence. Some people are saying they particulalry glorify violence against women. I haven't seen any of them so I can't comment soI just wanted ask others - what do you think?

There's a protest about Tarintino's new film which is supposedly is really glorifying violence against women.

Here's an article in The Guardian about it all.,,2069286,00.html

Why are gory, violent fims good to watch? What is the attraction? Does anyone who reads Stroppy Blog watch them?
