
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Left Women's Network - conference 12th July

Below are some details of the conference on the 12th :

Women in Struggle!


The Left Women’s Network (LeftWN) is the women’s section of The Labour Representation Committee, an open democratic organisation committed to the development of a radical policy agenda for the Labour Party, the trade unions and the wider labour movement. Since 2007 we have been successful in bringing women together from within The Labour Party, trade union movement, campaigning organisations and the wider labour movement.

We urge women activists to come along and meet other
LeftWN members to discuss how to tackle gender inequality and improve women’s participation in the labour and trade union movement. Please distribute this widely.

Speakers include :

Maria Exall (Vice-chair LRC / TUC Women’s

Committee); Katy Clark MP; Veronica

Killen (Charter for Women); Linda Riordan MP

Christine Shawcroft (vice-chair LRC / Labour Party NEC

Clara Osagiede - Cleaning Grades
Secretary, RMT. A key organiser of th RMT Cleaner's Strike.

Kate Ahrens - UNISON Nec

Register at the LWN website

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