
Monday, July 24, 2006

New Unison activist on the blogsphere....

Just discovered that Unison leftie Jon Rogers has set up a blog. I used to be involved in Unison United Left (before I got another a job and became a member of the T&GWU instead) for a bit and knew Jon because of it. He is also on Unison NEC and stood against Dave Prentis over a year and half ago as General Secretary (my old Unison branch backed Jon's candidature). He is also a Labour Party activist and there is an interesting and informative post he's written on the Labour Representation Committee (LRC) annual meeting last weekend overwhelmingly backing John McDonnell as leader of the LP when Bliar steps down.

And people familiar with Adele Reynolds who pops up now and again on leftie blogs has been debating Jon on Dave Prentis.....

Btw: Jon, being comradely and all but if you are reading this, gizza us a link....!