Pro-Choice demo - London 6th February

Tami reported on the launch of a campaign by Abortion Rights to fightback against the attacks on a women's right to choose (which btw are still not good enough). This included :
...some direct action against Anne Widdecombe’s “road trip” to whip up support for the anti-choice amendments. I am listing the dates, times and venues in full in the hope that it will help to gain support for protests across the country. I plan on being at the London counter-demo and encourage everyone to join us in this crucial fight for a women’s right to choose against the forces of reaction. Anne Widdecombe’s Anti-Woman Road Show Dates:
Glasgow, 23rd of January @ The University Union, 7:30pm
Southampton, 30th of January @ Univ of Southampton, 7:30pm
London, 6th of February @ Central Hall Westminster, 7pm
Liverpool, 12th February @ The Liner Hotel, 7:30pm
Coventry, 13th February @ Coventry Cathedral, 7:30pm
Widnes, 18th February @ The Foundry, Lugsale Rd, 7:30pm
Cardiff, 4th March @ TheCity Temple, Cowbridge Rd, 7:30pm
The next one is in London:
Abortion Rights has called a peaceful pro-choice protest against anti-abortion MP Ann Widdecome’s road show ‘Not on your life . .. or anyone else’s’ which is promoting anti-abortion goals around the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (subject to police permission).
Assemble outside Central Hall Westminster
Wednesday 6th February, 6.30pm
Nearest tube Westminster
Methodist Central Hall, Westminster is on Victoria Street in London, just off Parliament Square, next to the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and facing Westminster Abbey.
Visit the link below for a map and directions,0,11521531439811860185&sa=X&oi=local_result&resnum=1&ct=image
The road show by ‘Ann Widdecombe and guests’ is jointly organised by hard line anti-abortion groups Care, Life and Right to Life Trust and is also being promoted by other anti-abortion organisations including the Christian Medical Fellowship.
I plan to be there and report back. I hope to see a good mix of left and feminist groups there. Even with the latest defeat on one of the amendments , we still need to be proactive and fight to not only defend the rights we have but to extend them. The anti abortionists will never give up. They will fight to erode not just access to abortion but contraception, sex education and all aspects of reproductive rights.
If anyone is going to one of the other demos and would like to do a report here do please get in touch.
Labels: abortion rights