
Friday, May 01, 2009

May Day Galore

Women Workers on the Karaqchi May Day march today in Pakistan organised by the Labour Party of Pakistan

Well Happy May Day to everyone - kicked off last night in Edinburgh with Beltane, the festival of the end of winter and the beggining of the summer. On my way to work there were red and blue men walking about bleary eyed smelling of smoke, looking a bit worse for wear. I can see the Beltane fire from my kitchen window. So if you are that way inclined Happy Beltane and May Day.

But for socialists and trade unionists it's International Workers Day. All over the world May Day greetings are being passed about with may day marches, activity, even strikes to celebrate International Workers Day.

So from Stroppyblog - HAPPY MAY DAY

Check out Edinburgh's Beltane here and about Edinburgh's May Day march here

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