Madonna back to form ?
I must admit I have found the latest incarnations of Madonna tiresome - the English country lady, the spiritual waffle, the respectable yummy mummy who writes children's books and the 'lesbian' kiss with Britney (have some taste woman !). Ok she was never that radical, but in the past she did upset the establishment with videos such as Like a Prayer with its black Jesus and sexual undertones. She was seen as strong and at least had more personality than the identikit girl bands that pass for 'girl power' today.
So I am pleased to see she can still upset people with her latest tour , dressing in SM riding outfits and being suspended from a mirrored cross :
David Muir of the Evangelical Alliance also accused the singer of "blatant insensitivity".
"Madonna's use of Christian imagery is an abuse and it is dangerous," he said.
If people are offended they do not have to go and watch Madonna or buy her CDs. If someone's religious beliefs are strong why feel threatened ? Why is it dangerous? Its more dangerous if we go down the line of censoring what we do not like .