
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Struggle not submission 20 Years of Women Against Fundamentalism

Plug for a meeting celebrating 20 years of Women Against Fundamentalism:

Struggle not submission
20 Years of Women Against Fundamentalism
A public meeting organised by
Women Against Fundamentalism
3 - 6pm, 28th November 2009
Room 3A, University of London Union,
Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY
Entrance £5

All welcome
Today, the need to challenge the rise of religious fundamentalism in all religions is more critical than ever. At the same time we need to safeguard secular spaces (both physical and intellectual) where people of all religions and none can participate in public life and express themselves on equal terms.
This meeting will look back over the past 20 years
since WAF was founded and assess the challenges
we face now and in the future

Gita Sahgal will show her film Struggle or Submission and talk about changes in the political scene over the past 20 years.
Peter Tatchell will discuss the Single Equality Bill and the exclusion of sexual minorities from the scope of its protection.
Julia Bard will talk about faith schools, the agendas being played out and the impact on religious/minority identities.
Clara Connolly

Women Against Fundamentalism
Women Against Fundamentalism (WAF) was formed in 1989 to challenge the rise of fundamentalism in all religions. Its members include women from a wide range of backgrounds and from across the world.
By fundamentalism we mean a modern political movement which is using religion to gain or consolidate power. We do not mean religious observance, which we see as a matter of individual choice.
Fundamentalism and the role of women
Fundamentalism is found in all religions throughout the world, sometimes holding state power, sometimes in opposition to it. But whatever their relationship to the state, all fundamentalists see women’s role as crucial in representing and transmitting
the supposedly unchanging morals and traditions of the whole community.
Women who fail to conform to so-called traditional family values are portrayed as placing the wellbeing and future of the whole society or community at risk. The control of women’s minds and bodies is, therefore, at the heart of fundamentalist agendas everywhere.
Join us in building a secular movement
Women Against Fundamentalism believes that only secular institutions – which have no religious agenda – can begin to bring about equality for people of all religions or none. We oppose the delegation of public funds and responsibilities to religious leaders and institutions.
Join us in building a secular movement to challenge the rise of fundamentalism in all religions worldwide.
