
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Petition - religious exemptions

I have received an e-mail about a petition :

Petition ~ Exemptions for religious organisations from the Goods, Services and Facilities regulations!

The No 10 Downing Street website runs a petition section where you can sign petitions you feel strongly about. Right now one of the most popular (over 8,000 signatures) petitions on the 10 Downing Street site is the anti-gay petition aimed against the introduction in Northern Ireland of the Goods and Services Sexual Orientation Regulations (SOR).To counter that campaign, another petition has been launched, which states:"Exemptions for religious organisations from the Goods, Services and Facilities regulations, are of great concern and entirely unjust. The use of services, goods and facilities that heterosexuals take for granted, should be allowed to those from the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities; the protections that minorities and religious groups have in law should be granted to the lesbian gay and bisexual communities also; the end of a two-tier system which denies justice in the provision of goods, services and facilities to the lesbian, gay and bisexual communities should be implemented with no further delay and at the earliest point possible throughout the entirety of the UK."If you wish to support that petition, please go to:
You may disregard the 17th January end date.