Workers' Climate Action - Volunteer for Vestas

An appeal from Workers' Climate Action to support the fight to keep the Vestas wind turbine factory open ...
On Tuesday 4th August the injunction brought by Vestas plc to evict the workers from their wind turbine factory, currently under occupation in the Isle of Wight, will be in court.
This is the second time the injunction has come to court, and if Vestas plc win then the forcible eviction of the workers will be imenent (likely to be within the next 1-2 weeks).
The workers urgently need more support from all areas of the movement - environmental, socialist, anarchist, any combination of the above! We are organising a mini bus to head to Vestas in time for the injunction hearing. It will leave on Monday evening about 6pm and return on Wednesday morning. Take a day off work, pull a sickie, change your plans - this factory needs to be saved for the workers, and for the planet.
All help is appreciated, but if you can offer any of the following things then please especially think about getting down there and let us know what skills or resources you're taking with you:
*Can you help organise a direct action skills-up?
*Would you like to help organise and provide some childcare?
*Are you good at media work including media contacts?
*Experience in legal observing?
*Do you have infrastructure which can be used at the camp including tents/small marquees/cooking facilities/kids stuff/anything to make it livable
*And most importantly are you a willing pair of hands (all support is very useful)?
The minibus will cost around £30 (return) and will hopefully be subsidised. This needs to be organised asap so if you can help and want to get on the minibus call Maddy on 07954251724 or Bex on 07971719797. Any questions call or e-mail
If you can't make it down on Monday then please think about taking the time to go down in the period in between the injunction hearing and the eviction which may result from it if the hearing goes in favour of Vestas plc. We will send around another update later in the week with more information about plans for the post-injunction resistance. However, getting skills and infrastructure down there is important *now*.
Having both been down there we can assure you that it is a really friendly open environment, everyone is welcome, and everyone's skills can be put to good use!
Make this the last email you read - and get down to the Isle of Wight!
Solidarity, Maddy and Bex on behalf of Workers' Climate Action
Labels: defending jobs, environment