
Friday, September 01, 2006

Random list of my favourite women artists (it is a Friday)

The book thingy got me thinking and as someone who likes art (I do except for that post modern installation conceptual rubbish...) I thought about listing my favourite women artists/photographers. Women's art is still not as noticeable or visible as men's. I worked in an art and design college for over 7 years and there was a fairly even mix of men and women students but the ones who seemed to get the plaudits were blokes.

Here are my random favourites at the moment. Majority are photographers but there is one artist. I just like their work cos its honest and real unlike a lot of pompous crap which passes as art from the YBAs (young British artists).

Julie Forman

Cindy Sherman

Nan Goldin

Hazel Dooney I have used some of her images on posts

Diane Arbus The photograph to advertise the post is one of hers (and used on the front cover of the exhibition catalogue for the V&A exhibition last year)